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The goal of any enterprise is growth and development, but in the modern business environment, it is not as straightforward as that. With the exponential growth of Internet-driven operations and the rise in usage of mobile devices, consumers are now increasingly taking the online route to purchases.

In fact, even those who visit a brick-and-mortar store mostly do check and compare prices online from various online stores before zeroing in on a purchase. Hence, increasing online sales is now the focus of all businesses as cutting-edge tools and technologies enable them to do so without much effort and expense.

In this post, we have explained tips related to google ads, facebook, and mobile optimization to consider to increase online sales, regardless of whether you have a service-based business or sell physical goods.

Design a truthful sales copy

Layout your service or product details absolutely honestly in the sales copy. It is not only a matter of your business reputation but is also critical for increasing the trust and credibility of your brand. Never make claims that cannot be substantiated.

In e-commerce, product specifications that do not meet what you say and are delivered to your customers will make them turn away from your brand for good.

Even if you are a startup or small business, be upfront about your product details. Customers will come to you for the personalized services that you can offer.  

Bank on customer testimonials and Google ads seller ratings

Customer testimonials are very important nowadays. Riding on the back of the prevailing social media environment, customer feedback is now a powerful weapon to spread the message of your brand. Insert the testimonials under customer feedback on the product page or pricing page.

Apart from being mere feedback, these are also trust signals of your brand for existing or potential customers. Purchasers generally check the star rating before hitting the “buy” button and hence ensure that the feedback is displayed at a prominent place on the product page.

These ratings, also known as Google ads seller ratings are an automated extension for AdWords that show a numeric 1 to 5 rating for your products and services. The ratings are not a random exercise but a carefully designed one from Google. Google averages ratings of your products and services from various sources that collate business reviews and then displays one merged rating.

There are two ways that you can avail of this facility from Google. You can either become a Google Trusted Store for which you have to meet certain requirements and have an application or you can sign up with a Google Trusted Store for which a monthly fee will be charged.

To get Google ads seller ratings you must have at least 30 unique reviews over the previous year and an average rating of more than 3.5 stars.     

More Ad clicks with Ad Extensions

Ad extensions make the footprint of your ad bigger with more places to click and basically narrow down the search results for your customers. It not only increases the click-through rate of your ad, but you also do not have to spend an extra dollar for this benefit.

How does it work?

If you are selling shoes, for example, provide links to “Men’s shoes” and “women’s shoes” separately. It provides potential customers with an additional step to easily and quickly search for and get what they want in shoes.

Facebook and Lookalike Audiences

Here again, you can use a social media platform to target audiences to increase online sales. In this strategy, you collate data that you already have about your customers and use the results to look for a similar audience on Facebook through their lookalike option. 

How do you do it?

Lookalike audiences on Facebook are essentially users on the platform who have similar characteristics to your customer database – their likes, dislikes, and preferences.

You upload your data to Facebook which then checks data gathered from third-party brokers to create matches that tally with the customer characteristics required by you. You thus get a readymade audience with minimal effort and can rapidly increase your online sales by exclusively targeting those people. 

Make your site mobile optimized

For garnering volumes of online sales, mobile search has far exceeded desktop search today. Hence, if your site is not designed for a user-friendly mobile search experience, you will lose out on sales opportunities.

Factors to focus on include a well-designed page, easy navigation, and most critically, almost instant loading of pages. Keep information requirements to the minimum, have a cart that can be viewed from multiple devices, and have a range of payment options.

Keep these tips to increase online sales in mind and you will surely be on your way to business growth and development.

Author Bio – This guest article is written by Patrick from Planet Marketing.

About Post Author

Saurabh Sharma

Saurabh Sharma has been working in Internet marketing domain for over 10 years. He is a qualified IT professional, having a fair knowledge of SEO, Social Media, and Content Marketing. He also assists online marketing solutions to help people in endorsing the best marketing strategy for their business. He contributes articles about SEO tips to
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