Every year, we prepare a list of resolutions and work hard to achieve as many of them as possible. As we have already entered four weeks of the New Year, I want to reveal a new list of resolutions that every business owner should include in its marketing strategy for 2015.
Focus on Mobile

Earlier, business promotions operated through TV and PC, but nowadays, smartphones have become a preferred choice for communication and marketing. According to a ComScore report, the internet users on mobile devices grow rapidly and surpassed PC usage in 2014. Also, the use of the internet through mobile devices has increased 67% worldwide this year (according to StatCounter’s report).
It is now more important to understand the behavior of users of mobile devices. How do people use mobile to access websites? How much time do people generally spend on mobile devices? What do they prefer: mobile web or mobile app?
The time is knocking on your doors to consider mobile as a key marketing ingredient instead of viewing it as a supplement while preparing the strategy for your business.
Invest more in your content marketing

We people are hearing this line for the last 2 or 3 years: “Content is King”. So, let’s understand why marketing experts always inspire people to promote their services and products using content:
- According to a Hubspot survey, organizations that create 15 blog posts/month will get an average of 1,200 new leads/month.
- The conversion rate is nearly 6x higher, for those websites, that already adopted content marketing than non-adopters (2.9% vs 0.5%).
- Content marketing costs 62% less than traditional marketing and generates around 3 times more leads. (Original Source: Demand Metric)
As we can conclude from the above stats, marketers should focus on content marketing to avail the positive impacts on sales and online engagement. Although blog posting is the most popular way of promoting your services, I also suggest using other forms as well like infographics, PPT, PDF, e-books, video marketing, and podcasts.
Be more Social Media Friendly
Social media is the best and broader approach for raising business and keeping customers close. Preferably, Business owners need social media to attract new customers and build relationships with them.

There are various other advantages of using social media as a marketing option like transparent and immediate communication, increases brand awareness, easy approach to getting feedback, increased CTR, engagement, ROI, and best place to promote content and stories.
If we talk about social channels, Facebook is always a winner over other platforms, but you can’t totally underestimate Twitter, Pinterest, Linkedin, Instagram, and Youtube. These platforms have their own importance in making the brand best known in its niche. We only need to know the right path to follow.
To increase more visibility and create a more personal relationship with customers, I suggest including social media in your marketing plan this year to take advantage of your competitors, as, “it is good to be late than never”.
Use tools and apps to increase productivity
We always appreciate people who are able to do more in less time. The same theory applies to all professions. To work efficiently and save time, coincidentally there are several tools and mobile apps available on the market.

People need tools to manage content marketing activities, social media channels, check emails, save important files, and much more, as activities changes according to their profession.
I love one article recently posted on Hootsuite.com – “16 apps for 16 hours productivity” and I would like to suggest apps explained in this article to increase your productivity.
I know these apps and tools are also handled manually, but these apps reduce your time of executing several tasks and manpower too. Tools and apps make work easy and approachable at any time and place. So go for it.
These are a few resolutions or recommendations, I have already added to my 2015 calendar and find time-savvy and productive for all businesses. The best way to achieve your goals or resolutions this year is to make a checklist and stop cutting corners from them. I know you can face many hurdles in completing your checklist like economical support or lack of resources, but always remember “Where is a will, there’s a way”.
Image Credits: flickr.com, growingsocialmedia.com, lcn.com